A Bibliography of New England Odonata

This page was last updated in August 2010. Please let me know of any additions or corrections.

Ahrens, C. 1941. Dragonflies new to the Mount Desert Island region, Maine (Odonata). Ent. News. 52:285-287.

Albright, J. 1994. De novo surveys for Williamsonia lintneri in Maine, 1994 with summary of recent survey efforts, 1990-1992. Unpub. rep. to Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

Alexander, C.P. 1940. The Presidential Range of New Hampshire as a biological environment, with particular reference to the insects. Am. Mid. Nat. 24(1):104-132.

Aliberti, M. 2000. Odonate nymphs as potential indicators of water quality in ponds of northeastern Massachusetts. Masters Thesis, Antioch University.

Aliberti, M. and M. Chandler. 2002. Survey of aquatic inveertebrates from Nantucket Island wetlands. Unpub. report. 48pp.

Aliberti, M. and M. Mello. 1998. Status of state-listed and tracked invertebrates at Ponkapoag Bog, Norfolk County, Massachusetts – 1998. Report for ENSR. Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies Report #98-4.

Aliberti Lubertazzi, M. and H. S. Ginsberg. 2009. Persistence of dragonfly exuviae on vegetation and rock substrates. Northeastern Naturalist 16(1): 141-147.

anonymous. 1996. Exploration:Ten key discoveries – Banded Bog Skimmer. Status:Imperiled. Internet. 4 pp.

anonymous. 1996. Enallagma basidens new for Connecticut. Argia. 8(4):16.

anonymous. 1997. Several noteworthy Odonates from Massachusetts and New Brunswick. Argia. 9(3):21.

anonymous. 1998. Massachusetts group has a productive summer. Argia. 9(4):12.

anonymous. 2000. At home with nature: Maine youth helps set the pace in state dragonfly survey. Natural New England. Issue #1, January 2000.

Athol Bird and Nature Club. 2002. Monitoring and Photo Documentation of Williamsonia fletcheri and Gomphus borealis in the Millers River Watershed. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 3pp.

Bagg, A. 1957. A fall flight of dragonflies. Maine Field Nat. 13:13-15.

Bagg, A. 1958. Fall emigration of Anax junius. Maine Field Nat. 14:2-13.

Barber, R. D. 1996. Identification of Northeastern (U. S. ) Gomphidae (Odonata, Anisoptera). Internet. 10 pp.

Biber, E. 2002. Habitat analysis of a rare dragonfly (Williamsonia lintneri) in Rhode Island. Northeastern Naturalist. 9(3):341-352.

Blust, M. 2005. Six new Vermont dragonflies. Vermont Entomological Society News. No. 49, Fall 2005.

Blust, M. 2006. Odonate survey of Maidstone Bends, 2006 Season. Report to Vermont Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. Green Mountain College, Poultney, VT. 8 pp.

Borror, D. J. 1940. A list of dragonflies taken in the region of Muscongus Bay, Maine. Ent. News. 51:45-47;74-79.

Borror, D. J. 1944. An annotated list of the Odonata of Maine. Canadian Entomologist. 76:134-150.

Borror, D. J. 1951. New records of Maine dragonflies. Ent. News. 62:209-216.

Borror, D. J. 1953. A migratory flight of dragonflies. Ent. News. 64:204-205.

Borror, D. J. 1957. New dragonflies from Maine. Maine Field Nat. 13:82.

Bradeen, B. J. 1996. Life histories of sympatric Ophiogomphus spp. in the Aroostook River, Maine. M. S. Thesis. 75pp.

Briggs, N. 1993. Habitat use by the lateral bluet damselfly, Enallagma laterale, and the barrens bluet damselfly, Enallagma recurvatum, on seven coastal plain ponds in southern Rhode Island: implications for monitoring and preserve design. Unpublished Report to the Nature Conservancy. March 19, 1993. 8 pp.

Briggs, N. 1994. The natural history of Williamsonia lintneri (Hagen), the Banded Boghaunter dragonfly, and Enallagma laterale (Morse), the Lateral Bluet damselfly, and a general survey of the odonates of southern Rhode Island. Masters Thesis, Univ. of Rhode Island.

Bromley, S. W. 1924. A new Ophiogomphus from Massachusetts. Ent. News. 35:343-347.

Brown, V. A. 2002. The Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies) of Block Island. The Ecology of Block Island. Rhode Island Natural History Survey, Kingston, RI. pp.203-207.

Brunelle, P. M. 1998. Maine Damselfly and Dragonfly Survey – Report 1: Baseline Information on Maine Odonata. Report to Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

Brunelle, P.M. 1999. Distribution of damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata) of Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 6(2):95-118.

Brunelle, P.M. 1999. Damselflies and Dragonflies (Odonata: Zygoptera; Anisoptera), of the St. John Stewardship properties, northern Maine. Report to The Nature Conservancy, Maine Chapter. 9pp.

Brunelle, P.M. 1999. A course on larval damselflies and dragonflies of the Northeast. Argia. 11(2):11.

Brunelle, P.M. 2000. A new species of Neurocordulia (Odonata: Anisoptera: Corduliidae) from eastern North America. Canadian Entomologist. 132(1):39-48.

Brunelle, P.M., and P.G. deMaynadier. 2005. The Maine Damselfly and Dragonfly Survey: A Final Report. Technical report submitted to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, ME.

Bullock, D. J. 1891. Notes on Mt. Desert Dragonflies. Ent. News. 2:93-94.

Burnham, E. J. 1900. Preliminary catalogue of the Anisoptera in the vicinity of Manchester, New Hampshire. Proc. Manchester Inst. Arts and Sci. 2:27-38.

Burnham, E. J. 1900. Additional notes on the Anisoptera in the vicinity of Manchester, New Hamphsire. Proc. Manchester Inst. Arts and Sci. 2:37-45.

Butler, R.G., P.G. deMaynadier, M. Tomlinson, H. Robbins, P. Long, and A. Marenberg. 2005. Northeast Range Extension and Observations of Atypical “Sash” of Enallagma laterale (New England Bluet) in Maine. Argia. 17(3): 23-25.

Cairns, S. 1998. Ringed Boghaunter (Williamsonia lintneri) in New Hampshire: 1998 inventory and monitoring. Report to the Rhode Island Chapter of The Nature Conservancy and the New Hampshire Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program.

Calvert, P.P. 1890. Notes on North American Odonata. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 17:33-40.

Calvert, P.P. 1893. Catalogue of the Odonata of the vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with an introduction to the study of this group of insects. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 20:152-272.

Calvert, P. P. 1894. Data on the distribution of dragonflies – I. Ent. News. 5:242-244.

Calvert, P. P. 1905. Fauna of New England – Odonata. Occ. Pap. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. #7:1-43.

Calvert, P. P. 1906. Correction to the list of New England Odonata. Ent. News. 17:31.

Cappuccino, N.R. (year?) A guide to the Odonata of Stony Brook [Massachusetts]. Unpublished report. 12pp.

Carle, F. L. 1994. Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) known to or likely to occur in Vermont. Unpub. rep. to Vermont Fish and Wild. Dept. 21pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1983. An Inventory of Dragonflies of Barnstable County. Unpublished report. 6pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1984. Cape Cod Dragonfly Inventory Research Report. Unpublished report. 27pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1986. Notes on status, habitat, and conservation of three state-listed odonates on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Unpublished report. 53pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1987. The Dragonflies of Cape Cod, Massachusetts with notes on six state-listed species in Barnstable and Plymouth Counties. Unpublished report. 101pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1988. Notes on six state-listed Odonata in Massachusetts and Rhode Island – results of field surveys:1988. Unpublished report. 52pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1989. Massachusetts odonate inventories – results of field work:1989. Unpublished report. 36pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1989. The status of Enallagma recurvatum and Enallagma laterale in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Unpublished report. 17pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1990. An Ecological and Behavioral Study of the Barrens Bluet Damselfy, including results of general odonate inventories. Unpublished report. 43pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1991. The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Cape Cod. Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Brewster, Massachusetts. 79pp.

Carpenter, V.A. 1993. Williamsonia lintneri, a phantom of eastern bogs. Argia. 5(3):2-4.

Carpenter, V.A. 1996. Libellula axilena new to New England. Argia. 8(1):15.

Carpenter, V.A. 1997. New records from Rhode Island. Argia. 9(1):21-22.

Carpenter, V.A. 1998. Nehalennia integricollis in Rhode Island. Argia. 10(3):20.

Carpenter, V.A. 1998. Notes from Rhode Island. Argia. 10(2):8.

Carpenter, V.A. 1999. Big news from Rhode Island. Argia. 11(3):7.

Carpenter, V.A. and N. Briggs. 1995. The status of Williamsonia lintneri in Rhode Island. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 17pp.

Carpenter, V.A., N.Briggs, and T.Husband. 1999(?) A Monitoring Protocol for the Ringed Boghaunter Dragonfly, Williamsonia lintneri Hagen (Odonata: Corduliidae). Unpub. rep. 11pp.

Charlton, R. E. 1985. A colony of Williamsonia fletcheri discovered in Massachusetts. Ent. News. 96:201-204.

CWJ. 1930. Museum Notes – Insects [Tramea abdominalis in MA]. Bull. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. 15-16.

Daigle, J. J. 1988. Ophiogomphus anomalus rediscovered in Maine, United States. Notulae Odonotalogica. 3(2):32-33.

Davis, G., B. Gonzalez, and M. J. Mello. 2000. Survey of the Lakeville Ponds complex [Massachusetts] for Odonata. Unpub. rep. to Mass. Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies Report #2000-2

Davis, W. T. 1940. Dragonfly collecting in eastern Massachusetts – 1939. Ent. News. 51:61-64.

deMaynadier, P. and B. Carlson. 1998. A survey and evaluation of habitat potential for Williamsonia lintneri in southern Maine, 1998. Unpub. rep. to Maine. Dept. Inland Fish. and Wild. 8pp.

deMaynadier, P. and T. Hodgman. 1998. A regional survey of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered fauna in Maine: Central Interior, Midcoast, and Penobscot Bay (1998). Unpublished report to Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, ME.

deMaynadier, P. and M. McCollough. 1998. Keeping track of winged jewels: the Maine Dragonfly and Damselfly Survey. Maine Entomological Society Newsletter, Number 4, Fall.

deMaynadier, P., and J. Hudson. 2005. First National Records for theCanada Whiteface (Leucorrhinia patricia) in the USA. Argia. 17(1): 5-6.

deMaynadier, P. 2003. Dragonfly Stocking for Mosquito Control. TheMaine Entomologist. 7 (3).

Donnelly, T. W. 1994. Aeshna multicolor from Cape Cod. Argia. 6(3):3.

Donnelly, T. W. 1995. Odonates around the country – it’s been a rewarding season. Argia. 7(3):14-18.

Donnelly, T. W. 1998. Northeastern meeting in Maine – good bugs despite the weather!. Argia. 10(2):2-3.

Garman, P. 1927. Guide to the Insects of Connecticut, Part V: The Odonata or Dragonflies of Connecticut. Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey, Bulletin No. 39.

Gibbons, L. K. 2001. Distribution and Persistence of Three Enallagma Damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Masters Thesis, Tufts University.

Gibbons, L. K., J. M. Reed, and F. S. Chew. 2002. Habitat requirements and local persistence of three Damselfly species (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Journal of Insect Conservation. In press.

Gibbs, R. H. and S.P. Gibbs. 1954. The Odonata of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 62:167-184.

Goodwin, F. 1999. An on-going study of the relationship between ants, birds, and dragonflies during the phenomenon of swarms at Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary. Argia. 11(2):14-15.

Goodwin, F. 1999. Massachusetts Tramea calverti. Argia. 11(3):8.

Gray, G. M. 1937. The large green dragonfly, Anax longipes, in the Woods Hole region. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 32:122-124.

Hagen, H.A. 1861. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America, with a list of the South American species. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 4. Odonata pp.55-187, 305-321.

Hagen, H.A. 1873. Report on the Pseudoneuroptera and Neuroptera of North America in the collection of the late Th. W. Harris. Odonata. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 15:263-276, 301.

Hagen, H. A. 1873. Report on Mr. S. H. Scudder’s Odonata from the White Mountains, after an examination of the types. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 15:376-377.

Hagen, H.A. 1875. Synopsis of the Odonata of North America. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 18:20-96.

Hagen, H.A. 1889. Synopsis of the Odonata of North America, No. 1. Psyche. 5:241-250.

Hagen, H.A. 1890. Synopsis of the Odonate genus Leucorhinia Britt. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 22:229-230

Hagen, H.A. 1890. Notes and descriptions of some North American Libellulina. Psyche. 5:383..

Harper, L. and J. Loose. 2006. The distribution of rare riverine dragonflies in Massachusetts: Where to make new discoveries! Ode News 8(1): 6-11.

Harvey, F. L. 1891. A Contribution to the Odonata of Maine. Ent. News. 2:50-51, 73-75.

Harvey, F. L. 1892. A Contribution to the Odonata of Maine – II. Ent. News. 3:91-93, 116-117.

Harvey, F. L. 1898. Contributions to the Odonata of Maine – III. Ent. News. 9:59-64, 85-89.

Harvey, F. L. 1901. Contributions to the Odonata of Maine – IV. Ent. News. 12:178-179, 196-198, 239-243, 269-277.

Harvey, F. L. 1902. A catalogue and bibliography of the Odonata (Dragon-flies) of Maine, with an annotated list of their collectors. University of Maine Studies. #4:1-16.

Harwood, P.D. 1959. Agrion amatum (Hagen), a damselfly (Odonata) new to Maine. Maine Field Nat. 15(2):54.

Hitchings, E.F. 1892. List of dragonflies taken at Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, Massachusetts during the seasons of 1889 and 1890. Ent. News. 3:39.

Hopkins, K. 1997. Population and behavioral patterns of Williamsonia lintneri (Odonata) in South Berwick, Maine. unpub. rep. to Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

Howe, R. H. 1916. A Preliminary List of the Odonata of Concord, Massachusetts. Psyche. 23:12-15.

Howe, R. H. 1917. Distributional notes on New England Odonata. Psyche. 24:45-53.

Howe, R. H. 1917-1920. Manual of the Odonata of New England. Mem. Thoreau Mus. Nat. Hist. II:1-102.

Howe, R. H. 1918. Distributional notes on New England Odonata Part II. Psyche. 25:106-110.

Howe, R. H. 1918. The Dragon and Damsel-flies (Odonata) of Nantucket, Mass. Annual Report of the Maria Mitchel Association. May, 1918.

Howe, R. H. 1919. A list of the dragonflies collected at Wareham, Massachusetts during the years 1911 to 1913 by Mr. Outram Bangs. Psyche. 26:65-68.

Howe, R. H. 1919. Odonata of the Franconia Region, New Hampshire. Canadian Entomologist. 51:9-15.

Howe, R.H. 1919. Addition to the Odonata of Franconia Region, New Hampshire. Canadian Entomologist. 50:93.

Howe, R. H. 1920. Odonata of Chatham, Massachusetts. Psyche. 27:55-58.

Howe, R. H. 1921. The distribution of New England Odonata. Proc. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. 36:111-133.

Howe, R. H. 1921. Supplement to Manual of Odonata of New England. Mem. Thoreau Mus. Nat. Hist. 2:1-14.

Howe, R. H. 1921. Manual of Odonata of New England; Supplement 2: Nymphs – Zygoptera, Part I. Mem. Thoreau Mus. Nat. Hist. 2:103-115.

Howe, R. H. 1922. A new dragonfly from New England. Occ. Pap. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist. 5:19-20.

Howe, R. H. 1923. Williamsonia lintneri, its history and distribution. Psyche. 30:222-225.

Howe, R. H. 1923. Manual of Odonata of New England, Supplement 3: Larvae – Anisoptera, Part II. Mem. Thoreau Mus. Nat. Hist. 2:117-138.

Howe, R. H. 1927. Manual of the Odonata of New England. Larvae – Anisoptera, Part III. Mem. David Mason Little Mem. Mus. N. H. 139-149.

Hunt, P. D. 2006a. Assessment of the conservatoin status of Odonata in New Hampshire. Report to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Audubon Society of New Hampshire, Concord, NH. 17 pp.

Hunt, P. D. 2006b. Odonata of the Connecticut River mainstem. Report to Connecticut River Joint Commissions. New England Institute for Landscape Ecology, Canaan, NH. 19 pp.

Hunt, P. D., M. Blust, and F.Morrison. 2010. Lotic Odonata of the Connecticut River in New Hampshire and Vermont. Northeastern Naturalist 17(2): 175-188.

Johnson, C.W. 1927. Biological survey of the Mount Desert region, Part I, the insect fauna. Wistar Inst. Anaat. Biol. Philadelphia. Odonata pgs. 24-26.

Kellicott, D. S. 1894. Distribution of the Odonata [Wood’s Hole Odonata]. Ent. News. 5:314.

Kirby, W.F. 1890. A synonymic catalogue of Odonata or Dragon-flies. London.

Leahy, C.W. 1976(?). An introduction to the Odonata of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Audubon Society public service info. 12pp.

Leahy, C.W. 1983. An Introduction to Massachusetts Insects. Massachusetts Audubon Society pub. 40 pp.

Leahy, C.W. 1995. The dragonflies and damselflies of New England – An introduction and annotated checklist. Unpublished ms. 10pp.

Leahy, C.W. 1995. Massachusetts Odonata Records by County. Unpublished table. 6pp.

Loyd, A. 1998. Distribution of Odonata species (Odonata:Anisoptera, Zygoptera) on the Saco River, Maine, USA. Unpub. rep.to the Nature Conservancy – Maine Chapter. 15pp.

Lundgren, J.A. 1999. Characterization and Classification of Plant Communities Inhabited by the Ringed Boghaunter Dragonfly (Williamsonia lintneri). Report to the Nature Conservancy, Rhode Island Field Office. 22pp.

Maier, C. T. 1987. First Connecticut records of Williamsonia lintneri and Mitoura hesseli. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 89(4):836.

Maine Dept. Fish and Wild. 1994. Endangered Species listing recommendation – Maine Dept. Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Unpub. 15pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Ebony Boghaunter Dragonfly. Fact Sheet. 2pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 1985. Banded Bog Skimmer. Fact Sheet. 2pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 1990. Barrens Bluet Damselfly. Fact Sheet. 2pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 1990. Lateral Bluet Damselfly. Fact Sheet. 2pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 1991. Spring Blue Darner. Fact Sheet. 2pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 1991. Long-legged Green Darner. Fact Sheet. 2pp.

Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 1992. Massachusetts List of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern species (dragonflies and damselflies). 2pp.

McCarthy, P. 1996. Banded Bog Skimmer (Williamsonia lintneri) in New Hampshire:1995 inventory and monitoring. Unpub. rep. to New Hampshire Dept. Fish and Game. 5pp.

McCollough, M.A. 1997. First Maine record of the Ringed Boghaunter (Williamsonia lintneri). Northeastern Naturalist. 4(3):206.

McCollough, M.A. 1997. Conservation of invertebrates in Maine and New England: Perspectives and prognoses. Northeastern Naturalist. 4(4):261-278.

McLain, D. 1996. Odonates in western Massachusetts. Argia. 8(4):17.

McLain, D., F.Morrison, and L.Sanders. 2004. Dragonfly population dynamics, effects of bank stabilization, and ecology of nymphs in the Turners Falls pool of the Connecticut River: 2004 field season. Unpub. report to: Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 19pp.

McLain, D., F.Morrison, and L.Sanders. 2006. Bank stabilization and dragonfly emergence, population dynamics, and larval ecology in the Turners Falls pool of the Connecticut River: 2005 field season. Unpub. report to: Northeast Generation Services, Massachusetts Environmental Trust Fund, and Franklin Land Trust. 20 pp.

Mello, M.J. 1998. Massachusetts Williamsonia lintneri survey – 1998. Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies. Report to The Nature Conservancy of Rhode Island.

Miliotis, P. 1992. Odonata of Rutland Brook Sanctuary, Petersham, Massachusetts. Unpublished list. 4pp.

Miliotis, P. 1993. Dragonflies of Whetstone Woods Sanctuary, Wendell, Massachusetts. Unpublished list. 2pp.

Miller, D. 1997. Hetaerina americana in Vermont. Argia. 9(3):23.

Mingo, T.M., D.L. Courtemanch and K.E. Gibbs. 1979. The aquatic insects of the St. John River drainage, Aroostook County, Maine. University of Maine, Orono, Life Sciences and Agricultural Experiment Station. Technical Bulletin 92. Odonata pp. 1-10.

Mingo, T. M. , and K.E. Gibbs. 1980. The aquatic insects of the Narraguagus River, Hancock and Washington Counties, Maine. University of Maine, Orono, Life Sciences and Agricultural Experiment Station. Technical Bulletin #100. 63pp. Odonata pp. 15-19.

Morrison, F., D. McLain, and L. Saunders. 2001. A  survey of dragonfly species at the “Urgiel – Upstream” site, Gill, Massachusetts. Report to New England Environmental Inc. 8pp.

Morrison, F., D. McLain, and L. Saunders. 2002. A  post-construction survey of dragonfly species at the “Urgiel – Upstream” site, Gill, Massachusetts. Report to New England Environmental Inc. 14 pp.

Montgomery, B. E. 1943. Williamsonia fletcheri from New England. Ent. News. 54:1-4.

Muller, R. 1997. New Connecticut records. Argia. 9(3):23.

Muller, R. 1998. Pursuing the Arrow Clubtail. Argia. 10(2):9-10.

Nikula, B. 1995. Odonates recorded on the 1995 New Hampshire gomphid romp. Unpublished list. 2pp.

Nikula, B. 1996. Massachusetts to New Brunswick and back. Argia. 8(2):3.

Nikula, B. 1997. Odonates recorded in western Massachusetts, 16-19 June 1996. Unpub. list. 2pp.

Nikula, B. 1998. Sympetrum corruptum on Cape Cod. Argia. 10(3):20.

Nikula, B. 1999. Another Somatochlora georgiana record from Massachusetts. Argia. 11(3):7-8.

Nikula, B. 1999. The Somatochlora Swat Team visits Maine. Argia. 11(3):11-12.

Nikula, B. 1999. The Swat Team goes canoeing. Argia. 11(3):12-13.

Nikula, B. 2000. Bog Hopping and Stream Sloshing in the Maine woods. Argia. 12(3):10-12.

Nikula, B. 2001. A Survey of State-listed Odonata in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 16pp.

Nikula, B. 2001. A Survey for the Hine’s Emerald (Somatochlora hineana) Dragonfly in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 14pp.

Nikula, B. 2001. A Survey of the Odonata of Kampoosa Bog, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 10pp.

Nikula, B. 2004. A survey for the Scarlet Bluet (Enallagma pictum; Threatened) and Attenuated Bluet (Enallagma daeckii; Special Concern) damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) in Massachusetts. Unpub. rep. to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 8pp.

Nikula, B. J., J. L. Sones and J. R. Trimble. 2001. New and notable records of Odonata in Massachusetts. Northeast Naturalist. 8(3):337-342.

Nikula, B., J.L.Loose, and M.R. Burne. 2003.  A Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Massachusetts.  Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.

Northeast Nongame Technical Committee. 1996. Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Animal Species in the Northeastern States. T.W. French and D.M. Pence (editors). Northeast Wildlife Administrators Association.

Nothnagle, P. 1988. A provisional list of the odonates of Vermont. Vermont Fish and Wildlife Tech. Rep. 12pp.

Novak, P. 1998. The Northeastern D. S. A. meeting Vermont/New York, June 21-22, 1997. Argia. 9(4):3.

Paulson, D. 1998. New Odonata records for Maine and New Hampshire. Argia. 9(4):7.

Pierson, E. L. 1915. A list of Odonata (Dragon Flies) collected at Concord, Massachusetts Proc. Thoreau Mus. Nat. Hist. 1:41.

Proctor, W. 1938. Biological survey of the Mount Desert region, Part VI: The insect fauna. Wistar Institute Anat. Biol. Philadelphia. Odonata pp. 47-53.

Proctor, W. 1946. Biological survey of the Mount Desert region, 2nd edition, Part VII: The insect fauna. Wistar Institute Anat. Biol. Philadelphia. Odonata pp. 47-53.

Pucci, T.M. 1994. Search for Enallagma recurvatum along its peripheral range in Massachusetts and results from a general Odonata survey. Unpublished report. 60pp.

Pucci, T.M. and M.J. Mello. 1993. Survey of Odonata at coastal plain ponds of southeastern Massachusetts. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies. 85pp.

Pucci, T.M. and M.J. Mello. 1994. Survey of historical sites for the Banded Bog Haunter in Massachusetts. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies. 21pp.

Roble, S. M. 1992. Dragons and damsels. Mass Wildlife. 42(3):10-16.

Roble, S. M. 1995. Confirmation of the Nantucket record of Tramea abdominalis. Argia. 7(2):6-8.

SaintOurs, F. 1998. North River, Massachusetts Odonate survey. Argia. 10(4):14-15.

SaintOurs, F. 1999. The Dragonhunters [N. obsoleta in Massachusetts]. Riverwatch, newsletter of the North and South Rivers Watershed Association. 1/99:7and11.

SaintOurs, F. 2002. Winnetuxet River Project Report. Unpublished report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 6pp.

SainOurs, F. 2004. Distribution and conservation assessment of the Umber Shadowdragon Neurocordulia obsoleta (Odonata: Corduliidae) in Massachusetts and surrounding states. Unpub. rep. to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 26pp.

Schweitzer, D.F. 1988. Williamsonia lintneri. Results of a global status survey with a recommendation for temporary retention in Category 2.   Unpub. rep. to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Scudder, S. H. 1866. Notes on some Odonata from the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 10:211-223.

Scudder, S. H. 1867. Additional remarks upon the Odonata of the Isle of Pines and of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 11:298-300.

Sibley, F. 1999. A beginners random observations on winter dragonflies. Argia. 11(1):13-15.

Slosson, A. T. 1898. Additional list of insects taken in Alpine region of Mt. Washington. Ent. News. 19:251.

Soltesz, K. , et al. 1995. A spring dragonfly migration in the Northeast. Argia. 7(3):10-14.

Sones, J. 1995. Dragonfly flights on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Argia. 7(2):8-10.

Sones, J. 1996. News from Cape Cod. Argia. 8(2):2-3.

Sorrie, B. 1994. Coastal plain ponds in New England. Biol. Cons. 68:225-233.

Stoks, R. and M.A. McPeek. 2003. Predators and life histories shape Lestes damselfly assemblages along a freshwater habitat gradient. Ecology. 84(6):1576-1587.

Theall, O. 1983. An investigation into the hydrology of Massachusetts’ coastal plain ponds. Unpub report to Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Nov.:34pp.

Thomas, M. 1998. Somatochlora williamsoni in Connecticut. Argia. 10(1):8-9.

Thomas, M. C. and D. Wagner. 1996. An Identification Guide to the Male Damselflies of Connecticut. unpub. ms. 15pp.

Torrey, B. 1880. Migration of Dragon Flies. Am. Nat. 14:132-133.

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